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Contribution to Learning and the Learning Community


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead


The journey towards learning should always be a life-long commitment. It is a commitment that I have come to truly love and enjoy. From the beginning of this program, I felt a great connection with all of the learning opportunities that were presented. This program is who I am. I have seen many connections with my instructor Dr. Harapnuik in his ideals and concepts within the educational space.






Next, I would like to focus on some contributions that could improve or that were not up to my standards and/or the standard of the course upon reflection. I would have liked to provide more support in forums for other students outside of my group as well as my group in itself. I was not able to participate in all activities efficiently based on some challenges faced in this first quarter of the year being in a much different time zone. I have sort of gotten complacent in being sort of ahead on the building of my portfolio and that cushion resulted in some forms of disengagement at times as well. These factors seem to result in insufficient usage with the 2 last supporting contributions. 


According to the Marking Guide, I would consider my score to be 79. I plan on being more engaged in the next available course when it comes to participation and contributions. It is my goal to be a great liaison and resource to help my peers to become successful in this program as well as myself.

Many of the contributions that were made started from our first course and led into this one. We have built a core group that has provided daily support to one another. We have formed a group chat using the GroupMe app which has allowed us quick and constant access to each other. Our team consist of the following lovely members:

  • Maggie Franck

  • Jane Nguyen

  • Colby Clifford

  • Tamara Sanford 

  • and myself, Ennis Johnson

I have quickly found my role as being sort of the tech support leader to provide feedback and to make suggestions from my vast experience with technology as needed. I have given insight into different platforms for developing an ePortfolio. I have consistently revised and reflected on class assignments. Our group chat has been an incredible forum of support as we have had many discussions that have triggered the mindset to reflect on our own individual work by asking essential questions, sharing our individual points of view, and comparing and contrasting our work up against some of the examples provided. Although it has taken me some time, I have been able to complete all of the supporting resources within the course. This has been an essential part of my growth as an educator currently as this has provided me with so much more insight and resources that I can use on a day-to-day basis. I have met the deadlines indicated on the calendar. 

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